We offer you a central system focusing on endoscopic applications, which includes all the necessary devices, such as All-in-one solutions, cameras, light sources and light cables (xenon and LED), high-tech monitors, endoscopy pumps, equipment trolleys, …

(1) All-in-one solutions

All-in-one solutions
The All-in-one 4K/full HD systems combines a monitor, light source, camera and archiving in one. A smart solution uniquely designed for office and clinical procedures. It has been offered with 27” and 32”.
(2) Camera

The heart of the Endoscopy visualization is the camera unit. We offer various camera systems for different applications. Full HD,4K, 4K UHD and ICG resolution are available.
(3) Light Sources & Light Cables

Light Sources & Light Cables
To have a good image in the camera system, light is required to illuminate the cavities and anatomical structures. Our LED Light Source has very high efficiency and a very long-life expectancy.
Our Light Guide Cables are dedicated for light endoscopy devices. We have a very comprehensive range of fiber optic cables and adapters. Fiber optic cables are in 2.5mm, 3.5mm and 4.8mm.
Our special quality is reliable and future-oriented.